
RefuChange a project that aims to use evidence-based data alongside collaborations with local and federal refugee agencies to tackle and remove the restrictions that stop refugees from applying to professional schools such as medicine, dentistry and pharmacy programs. The project focuses on breaking down the barriers for refugees in Canada to apply to professional schools across the nation.

More about RefuChange

Who is the RefuChange team?

A group of post-secondary level students coming from various academic backgrounds. Our team consists of Canadian citizens, immigrants, and protected persons operating under a volunteer model. We are passionate about supporting newcomers to Canada and have a strong interest in refugee policy.

What are we doing right now?

We decided to narrow down our focus on undergraduate medical education. Currently, most medical schools do not allow individuals with protected status to apply. With the recent change in policy at the University of British Columbia (UBC) which enables refugees to apply to medical school, we set out to try and do the same in the province of Ontario.

The team has been compiling and organizing information and medical school admissions and seat allocations, protected person demographics, and government funding sources for undergraduate medical education.

Simultaneously, the team is contacting stakeholders that might help identify the different key players in medical school policymaking

RefuChange will be Launching Soon!

More information on this project will be released soon. If you have any questions or strong interest, feel free to reach out to us!